Restore and repair septic systems with Septic Seep

SEPTIC SEEP was invented in 1953 by soil and wastewater experts in the labs of Chevron-ORTHO.
Before you replace a septic drain field try Septic Seep
-SEPTIC SEEP is designed to interact with the soil in your drain field and cure hardpan conditions.
-Septic Seep works in ways bacteria and enzymes can't.
-SEPTIC SEEP works in ways that biological products can't to restore drainage to septic drain fields even in clay soil.

Its actually a biological solution, you apply it in your sink or toilet in certanin intervals. Then it is flushed into the septic system and it cures the soil around it.

What does it do?

PROBLEM 1 Sodium in ordinary detergents, soaps, household cleaners, and water softeners causes clay particles in the soils to chemically bond.

PROBLEM 2 Grease and organic matter form a tar-like layer called the biomat. When the biomat grows too thick a waterproof barrier develops and absorption stops.

When soil absorption stops, soils flood. Naturally occurring beneficial bacteria in the soil die off. Standing water may be seen on the surface of the drain field. Water may back up into the tank and even into household plumbing. This is often the first sign of soil failure in your septic system.

Septic Seep claims to solve both these problems. Give it a try
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