Ants and your septic system

1. Keep aerobic chlorine tablets in the septic system. Chlorine kills all bacteria in the treated wastewater before it is dispersed trough the irrigation system. The State requires chlorine be kept in the system at all times. Tablets should be placed in the chlorinator, which is located inside the 4 inch PVC pipe with a screw on cap that is protruding from the ground where your septic system is located.

* After locating the pipe remove the cap and pull the chlorinator out using the wire that's attached.
* Place the bottom of the chlorinator on the ground and place 5 tables in tube then place it back in pipe and replace cap.
* Check tablets once a month and replace used tablets.
* Do not over fill the tube with tablets the moisture in the tank will soften them and you will waste tablets.
* Use only aerobic chlorine tablets they can be found at your local hardware store. Do not use swimming pool chlorine tablets they do not dissolve quickly enough so the waste water does not get treated properly and the gases they put off can actually damage the electrical wiring going to the pump in the system.

2. Put out ant poison around blower box. (Warranty will not cover any blower that has been ruined due to fire ants.)

3. Keep grass mowed around sprinkler heads.

4. Do not drive anything directly over the sprinkler heads and nothing heavier than a riding lawn mower over your septic tanks.

5. Have your septic cleaned out every 3 years or if solids appear in the pump tank which ever occurs first. If solids are observed in the pump take during one of our scheduled inspections a note will be made on the inspection report and pumping recommended.

6. Keep an aerobic monitoring contract on your system.